As soon as we arrived the kids explored the hotel room. They loved the pots and pans in our kitchen and instantly used them as drums.
Fiona was in and out of the bath tub with a huge smile on her face. (We only have a shower at home)
Shortly after this picture was taken Fiona fell into the tub head first... the rest of her pictures will include a huge bruise on her forehead above her right eye.
I brought their ride on toys to the hotel and the kids enjoyed riding on them to and from the lobby for breakfast in the morning.
We enjoyed the pool at the hotel while Zach was working at the farm show. In the evenings we ate tons of food from TGI Fridays! (Thanks to the gift cards we had)
The Glenbrook Square Mall was just across the street, so we went over to check it out. The mall had a very nice play area for small children and a lovely carousel. I took Toben on the carousel with me for a ride and left Fiona with Zach to watch. After the ride we began to leave and I held Fiona. She starting 'clicking' her mouth like she does when she plays at home with her toy horses(to imitate a horse running). Thats when it hit me, SHE WANTED TO RIDE ON THE CAROUSEL TOO! Zach looked and me and I looked back at guilt was overwhelming. I forgot that she was turning 11 months old this week and she is a big girl now. :( On the way out I bought her a small stuffed animal horse to ease my guilt for not taking her on the carousel for a ride too.
On Wednesday we all went to the farm show after checking out of the hotel. The kids LOVED it! We bought some Wisconsin Pure Beef Summer Sausage that I would recommend 100%. Please feel free to buy this for me for Christmas next year. :)
Fiona loved the big tractors as much as Toben. Looks like we may habe a Tom-girl on our hands.
We hope to visit Fort Wayne again next year. :)