Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Workin' Mom

The joy of my life was born October 14th, 2009 at 4:02 in the afternoon.  Toben Winchester Weyant, (that's right: his daddy's a hunter) from the day he was born I knew, it would be torture going back to work and leaving him.  But sure enough, at 5 weeks old, his workin' mom left him with Daddy and was off to the ol' 9-5.  When he was 3 months old, Zach, his Dad got a job too, and Toben was going to a sitter/friend 4 days a week.  One day a week, Toben is lucky enough to stay at home all day with his grandmother.  Last week, Toben stopped going to the sitters and enjoys spending the whole day with his Pappy Jeff.

And it is a good thing too, because although I know his sitters took very good care of him, it was rare for me to make it to work with out tearing up.  Sometimes just walking out of the house with him in the morning was upsetting; other times I would be fine until after I dropped him off.  Just knowing that he was going to wake up and not find me smiling over him, broke my heart.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my job.  I get to analyze health insurance claims data all day; its lovely.  I know I have growth potential within the employee benefits consulting firm where I work: at least that is what I was told at my first performance review.  Its not worth it.  Right now, for me, the most important thing is my son.  It is important that Toben be raised by his parents: not by friend, family, sitter, and parents.  There are plenty of influences in the world that affect kids these days... I just want to make sure Zach and I are the biggest influences for Toben.  To insure that, as soon as possible, I am staying home!

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